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Medical Intuitive Reading

Medical Intuitive Read including scans, assessments, activations and attunements to clear, regenerate and heal body’s systems. 60 minute session + 15 minute follow up session ($275).

60 Min Medical Intuitive Reading


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Medical Intutive Reading

Quantum Touch Healing Session

Quantum-Touch is a powerful healing technique that reduces pain and promotes optimal wellness by working with one’s life force energy. It is very effective for reducing back pain, muscle aches, realigning structure, balancing organs, glands through, healing injuries, healing burns, and so much more. This session will include energetic occiput and iliosacral psoas alignments, endocrine system clearing and balancing plus one particular issue you want to focus on. 30 minute session ($125) or 60 minute session ($175).

30 Min Quantum Touch Session


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60 Min Quantum Touch Session


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Quantum Touch Session

Grace Healing Session

Grace Healing is a  customized energetic healing transmission that assists in healing a current health issue or any other current problem. It transmutes viruses, parasites, bacteria, fungus, mold, metals and all toxic matter. It does this in a way that is safe and does not tax your systems. It does not interfere with any other healing modality you may be currently using. Grace Healing can heal many issues over time including any health, financial, mental, emotional or spiritual.  It transforms unhealthy belief systems and fears on all levels. It heals sensitivities, allergies and intolerances. It heals your etheric, mental, emotional energy field including chakra. Grace Healing was developed by Master Healer Stacey Mayo. I have been trained by Stacey to attune you to these healing frequencies. 
30 minute session ($125) First session includes a FREE 30-day activation ($75 value). 

30 Min Grace Healing Session


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Grace Healing Session

Questions about booking? You can contact me via this form. Thank you!

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